The Voice in the Wind
We are living in a time when the voice of God is absolutely key to advancing the Ecclesia, the kingdom of God on Earth. God’s people are continuing to exercise their ability as supernatural beings. What was once perceived as spiritual limitations are now being overrun by the increasing glory of heaven.

The Book
As a prophetic people in God’s kingdom, we are no longer just predicting future outcomes but creating them. The body of Christ is maturing into the revelation of sonship, thus exhibiting the authority of God in ways most never imagined. Even the laws of physics are beginning to bow to the kingdom authority of God in his people. What was once considered impossibilities are now giving way to “all things are possible for those who believe.”
David’s book opens up new pathways and doors of unlimited revelation. His writings are pointed toward the seekers of God who have a desire to gain access to the unlimited divine nature in Christ.
- Prophet Michael Danforth
The Author
Whether dirt biking in South Africa, hiking the Swiss Alps, exploring pyramids in Egypt, camping on top of Mt. Sinai, climbing a volcano in Guatemala, or trekking inside the Arctic Circle, David L. Ramer has always had a passion for adventure. Coming from a long generational line of pastors, teachers and church planters traced nearly back to the Reformation, David followed his heart, traveling and ministering in thirty-eight nations. His ministry adventures include visiting a leper colony and AIDS hospital in India to the end-of-the-road Zulu school in KwaZulu-Natal. After visiting art museums and countless biblical and historical sites in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, David settled in and earned his Master of Divinity degree from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary. For the past fifteen years, he and his wife, Ronda, have founded and pastored Glory Fire Church in Lake Mary, FL, a regional apostolic training and equipping center with a vision to reach nations. Together, they have spent years travelling the globe with a recent focus on South Korea. David is an admired prophetic teacher with a consistent ability to bring supernatural revelation and impartation, giving the Body of Christ an understanding of their true identity as sons. Besides writing, his other passions include music and art, where after three years of painting his art is already collected in four nations and viewed worldwide. He lives in Central Florida with his wife and their beloved little wire-hair fox terrier named Hootie, who is known and loved by friends on five continents. From here, the journey continues in his books.